As reports of police violence and brutality steadily punctuate the news cycle, nationwide awareness of and activism against the use of deadly force by law enforcement, particularly against people of color, has grown.
This awareness raises the need for a change in our national conception of pubic safety and the role of police officers in protecting that safety.
What Are Police Violence and Police Brutality?
Police violence and brutality refer to the excessive use of force by police officers and government officials. It happens when law enforcement uses more than the minimum amount of force necessary to respond to an incident, protect themselves, or protect others.

Your Constitutional Rights
The constitution protects U.S. citizens from the use of excessive force. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, and the Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. These rights are routinely violated by law enforcement when they use excessive force.
What Constitutes Reasonable Use of Force
Law enforcement is legally allowed to use force, coercion, or threat when making arrests or stopping suspects. However, they may only use the minimum amount necessary and appropriate to the situation and may only increase that force in proportional response to a threat. Officers should follow escalation protocols that start with verbal statements, then physical bodily control, and only then move to non-lethal weapons and finally lethal weapons. They must cease to use force once the threat is de-escalated.
What You Can Do
The Fair Fight Initiative represents victims of police brutality and deadly violence at little to no cost to them through donations. Fair Fight Initiative also promotes advocacy and awareness to elevate the voices of victims of police brutality on a national scale. In doing so, Fair Fight Initiative levels the playing field for victims and their families to fight back against police brutality.
Please consider making a donation to our cause or helping us fundraise for those who desperately need a seasoned fighter in their corner.
Approved cases will be documented and litigated with funds generated by our nonprofit. Fair Fight Initiative receives many applications, and responses may take many weeks.